Websites for small businesses
A professional-looking Website is no longer optional; it's the foundation of any successful marketing program.
Today, every business needs an interesting, engaging, and user-friendly Website.
That's the only type of Website we help you create!
Check out some of our latest work for clients:
- Long Island Entrepreneurs Group (LIEG)
- Stephen Linker, Forensic Accountant
- Sastow Law and Mediation
- Martin Reffsin, Tax Specialist
- Bella Restaurant Group
- Ital Marble & Granite Design Center
- The Great Neck Business Circle
- Mattlain Printing and Promotions
- Paint and Glass Creations
- Princess Bridal Shoes
- Krowne Photography
Content that matters: Today, readers don't want sales pitches. They want helpful and interesting information.
We create that content with you or for you. The content we create is designed not only to let people know about your products and services, but even more important, to show them why they should come to you, and not to one of your competitors.
The content on your new or updated site will give your customers solid advice on solving the problems they're facing--guidance that they need and want, and information that will establish you as a clear go-to resource.
You also get:
- An original design created by our Art Design team.
- A design that shapes or complements your business' look, style, logo, color scheme, etc.
- Unlimited landing pages; no limit on number of hours spent creating the site; royalty-free images included.
- Search engine optimization, designed to improve search rankings and help people find your site and you.
Social media: We also can create and/or maintain your blog, LinkedIn or facebook page, Twitter account, plus other social media sites, and integrate all of them with your Website.
Other options: We can provide you with domain name registration, Flash, e-commerce, total site maintenance, hosting, and our simple and affordable Valued Customer Club loyalty program.
- Websites for small business
- E-mail: Online marketing at its best
- A loyalty program that's easy and affordable
- Print solutions--variety of powerful, affordable one-pagers, brochures, etc.
E-mail: Online marketing that works >>